


張世鄉 教授

  • 學歷:普渡大學航太與太空工程博士
  • 專長:微奈米力學、化學機械研磨、接觸力學、應用數學
  • 電話:(06)597-9566#7277
  • Emailshchang@mail.feu.edu.tw


  • 普渡大學 航太與太空工程博士


  • 台灣大學 應用力學碩士


  • 中央大學 機械工程學士



  • 遠東科技大學研究發展中心主任


  • 遠東科技大學國際交流中心主任


  • 遠東科技大學機械工程系副教授


  • 遠東技術學院機械工程系副教授


  • 遠東技術學院機械工程系助理教授


  • 亞泰半導體公司研發工程師


  • 台灣大學土木工程系專任助教



  1. 微奈米力學
  2. 化學機械研磨
  3. 接觸力學
  4. 應用數學

證照 / 證書

  1. 電腦軟體應用 乙級證照 118-016555 行政院勞動部
  2. ISO 14064-1 溫室氣體盤查主導查證員 20230830011


  1. S. H. Chang, S. Balasubramhanya, S. Chandrasekar, T. N. Farris and F. Hashimoto,“Forces and Specific Energy in Superfinishing of Hardened Steel”, Annals of CIRP, Vol. 46, pp.257-260, 1997. (SCIE)
  2. Shih-Hsiang Chang, T. N. Farris and S. Chandrasekar,“Contact Mechanics of Superfinishing”, ASME Journal of Tribology, Vol.122, pp.388-393, 2000 (SCI)
  3. Shih-Hsiang Chang, T. N. Farris and S. Chandrasekar,“Experimental characterization of superfinishing”, Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs. Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol. 217, pp941-951, 2003. (SCI)
  4. Shih-Hsiang Chang,” A dishing model for chemical mechanical polishing of metal interconnect structures”, Microelectronic Engineering, Vol. 77, pp.76-84, 2005. (SCI)
  5. Shih-Hsiang Chang, A dishing model for STI CMP process”, Microelectronic Engineering, Vol. 82, pp.136-142, 2005. (SCI)
  6. I-Ling Chang, Shih-Hsiang Chang, and Jen-Chin Huang, “The theoretical model of fcc ultrathin film”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol.44, pp. 5818-5828, 2007. (SCI)
  7. Shih-Hsiang Chang, and I-Ling Chang,”A new algorithm for calculating one-dimensional differential transform of nonlinear functions”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 195, pp. 799-808, 2008. (SCIE)
  8. Shih-Hsiang Chang, T. N. Farris and S. Chandrasekar, “Experimental analysis on evolution of superfinished surface texture”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol.203, pp. 365-371, 2008. (SCI)
  9. Shih-Hsiang Chang, “Transient electroosmotic flow in cylindrical microcapillaries containing salt-free medium”, Biomicrofluidics, Vol.3, 012802, 2009. (SCI) (Also selected by Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, Vol. 17, No. 2 , Jan. 15, 2009)
  10. Shih-Hsiang Chang, and I-Ling Chang, “A new algorithm for calculating two-dimensional differential transform of nonlinear functions”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 215, pp. 2486-2494, 2009. (SCI)
  11. Shih-Hsiang Chang, “Numerical solution of Troesch’s problem by simple shooting method”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 216, pp. 3303-3306, 2010. (SCI)
  12. Shih-Hsiang Chang, “A variational iteration method for Troesch’s problems”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 234, pp. 3043-3047, 2010. (SCI)
  13. Shih-Hsiang Chang, “Electroosmotic flow in slit microchannel containing salt-free solution”, European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids, Vol. 29, pp. 337-341, 2010. (SCI)
  14. Shih-Hsiang Chang, “Electroosmotic flow in a dissimilarly charged slit microchannel containing salt-free solution”, European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids, Vol. 34, pp. 85-90, 2012. (SCI)
  15. A. Ebaid, S. Momani, Shih-Hsiang Chang, M. D. Aljoufi, “On the Periodic Solutions of the Nonlinear Oscillators”, Journal of Vibroengineering, Vol. 16 (1), pp. 1-14, 2014. (SCI)
  16. Shih-Hsiang Chang, “Taylor Series Method for Solving a Class of Nonlinear Singular Boundary Value Problems Arising in Applied Science”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 235, pp. 110-117, 2014. (SCI)
  17. Shih-Hsiang Chang, “New algorithms for Taylor coefficients of indefinite integrals and their applications”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 247, pp. 872-879, 2014. (SCIE)
  18. Shih-Hsiang Chang, “Comments on “Transient electroosmotic flow of Maxwell fluids in a slit microchannel with asymmetric zeta potentials” [Eur. J. Mech. B Fluids 53 (2015) 180–189]”, European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids, Vol. 58, pp. 95-97, 2016. (SCI)
  19. Shih-Hsiang Chang, “Convergence of variational iteration method applied to two-point diffusion problems”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 40, pp. 6805-6810, 2016. (SCIE)
  20. I-Ling Chang, Zhen-Xian Liang, Hao-Wei Kao, Shih-Hsiang Chang, Chih-Ying Yang, “The wave attenuation mechanism of the periodic local resonant metamaterial”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 412, pp. 349-359, 2018. (SCI)
  21. Shih-Hsiang Chang, “A Variational Iteration Method Involving Adomian Polynomials for a Strongly Nonlinear Boundary Value Problem”, East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics, Vol. 9(1), pp. 153-164, 2019. (SCIE)
  22. Shih-Hsiang Chang, “Electroosmotic flow of salt-free power-law fluids in micro/nanochannels with fluid slip”, Journal on Applied Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 13(4), pp. 1149-1156, 2020.(SCIE)
  23. Shih-Hsiang Chang, “Existence-uniqueness and fixed-point iterative method for general nonlinear fourth-order boundary value problems”, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, Vol. 67, pp. 221-231, 2021. (SCIE)
  24. Shih-Hsiang Chang, “An efficient iterative method for nonlinear boundary value problems with existence and uniqueness”, International Journal of Computational Methods, Vol. 20(3), 2250055, 2023. (SCIE)
  25. Shih-Hsiang Chang, “Regions of existence and uniqueness for singular two-point boundary value problems”, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, In-Press. (SCIE)


  1. Shih-Hsiang Chang , ”Dishing Model in Metal Chemical Mechanical Polishing”, Symposium on Nano-Device Technology 2002, Hsinchui, Taiwan, May 2-3, 2002.
  2. Shih-Hsiang Chang, “Dishing Model in Metal CMP”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Semiconductor Technology, pp. 455-462, Tokyo, Japan, Sept.12-14, 2002.
  3. Shih-Hsiang Chang, “A dishing model for STI CMP process”, in Chemical-Mechanical Planarization—Integration, Technology and Reliability, edited by A. Kumar, J. A. Lee, Y. S. Obeng, I. Vos, and E. C. Johns (Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 867, Warrendale, PA , 2005), pp.253-258.
  4. Shih-Hsiang Chang, and I-Ling Chang, “Size-Dependent Elastic Moduli of FCC Crystal Nanofilms”, in Mechanics of Nanoscale Materials and Devices, edited by A. Misra, J.P. Sullivan, H. Huang, K. Lu, S. Asif (Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 924E, Warrendale, PA, 2006), p. 0924-Z03-22.
  5. Shih-Hsiang Chang, “Transient Electrokinetic Flow in Cylindrical Microcapillaries Containing a Salt-Free Medium”, The 82nd ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, Raleigh, NC, USA, June 15-18, 2008.
  6. Shih-Hsiang Chang, “Transient Electroosmotic Flow in Slit Microchannel Containing Salt-Free Medium”, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, Part A, pp.171-177, Pohang, South Korea, June 22-24, 2009.
  7. Shih-Hsiang Chang, “A Dishing Model for Chemical Mechanical Polishing of Plug Structures”, The 13th International Symposium on Advances in Abrasive Technology, accepted, Taipei, Taiwan, Sept. 19-22, 2010.
  8. Shih-Hsiang Chang, “Electroosmotic Flow in Dissimilarly Charged Slit Microchannel Containing Salt-Free Solution”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Microfluidics and Nanofluidics & Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Lab on Chip, pp.44- 45, Singapore, January 5-7, 2011.
  9. Shih-Hsiang Chang, “Effect of Ion Size on Electroosmotic Flow in Slit Microchannel Containing Salt-Free Solution”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advances in Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, P10007, Dalian, China, May 23-26, 2012.
  10. Shih-Hsiang Chang, “Electric double-layer force between dissimilar surfaces in salt-free solution”, 3rd International Colloids Conference - Colloids & Energy, P1.18, Xiamen, China, April 21-24, 2013.
  11. Shih-Hsiang Chang, “Electrostatic Interaction between Dissimilarly Charged Membranes in Salt-Free Solution”, 2014 International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Automation, Macao, May 20-21, 2014.
  12. Shih-Hsiang Chang, “Electroosmotic flow through a microchannel containing salt-free power-law fluids”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Materials, Structures and Mechanical Engineering, pp. 243-246, Incheon, South Korea, May 29-31, 2015.
  13. Shih-Hsiang Chang, “Electroosmotic Flow of Salt-Free Power-Law Fluids”, International Conference of Microfluidics, Nanofluidicsand Lab-on-a-Chip, Dalian, China, June 10-12, 2016.
  14. Shih-Hsiang Chang, “Convergence of Variational Iteration Method Applied to Generalized Two-point Diffusion Problems”, Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation, pp. 724-727, Sapporo, Japan, May 13-17, 2017.
  15. Shih-Hsiang Chang, “Effect of Ionic Size on Electroosmotic Flow of Salt-Free Power-Law Fluid in Slip Nano/Micro-Slit”, 2018 International Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering, Hangzhou, China, November 9-14, 2018. (Also in Engineering Innovation and Design, edited by A. Lam et al., pp.152-154, 2019)
  16. Shih-Hsiang Chang, “A monotone iterative method for solving singular nonlinear diffusion problems”, The 28th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics, Pattaya, Thailand, December 10-13, 2023.



  1. 越南台商之綠色環保材料科技產學合作與境外建教合作開班計畫(I) (II)  共同主持人    98/04/01-99/12/15    教育部
  2. 校園國際化與學生國際就業競爭力之提升計畫 (I) (II)  分項計畫主持人 100/04/01-101/12/15 教育部
  3. 三創教育國際推廣與學生國際就業競爭力之提升計畫 (I)-(III)  分項計畫主持人 102/04/01-104/12/15   教育部
  4. 三創教育國際推廣與師生全球移動力提升計畫  分項計畫主持人 105/04/01-105/12/15 教育部


  1. 金屬之化學機械研磨的凹陷與腐蝕理論模型 (NSC 89-2218 -E-269 -002) 主持人 89/08/01-90/07/31。
  2. 淺溝槽隔離之化學機械研磨的晶片尺寸級模型 (NSC 92-2212 -E-269-005) 主持人 92/08/01-93/07/31。
  3. 彈性球之吸附現象研究 (NSC 93-2212 -E-269 -008) 主持人 93/08/01-94/07/31。
  4. 壓阻式探針應用於原子力顯微鏡之力譜圖研究 (NSC 94-2212 -E-269 -001) 主持人 94/08/01-95/07/31。
  5. 超光之最佳化及其取代細硬車削的可行性研究(1) (NSC 96-2221 -E-269 -015) 主持人 96/08/01-97/07/31。
  6. 超光最佳化及其取代細硬車削之可行性研究(2) (NSC 97-2221 -E-269 -006) 主持人 97/08/01-98/07/31。
  7. 含無鹽溶液之非對稱電荷負載微管道的暫態電動傳輸現象分析 (NSC 99-2221 -E-269 -003) 主持人 99/08/01-100/07/31。
  8. 內含無鹽溶液之非對稱電荷負載平板及圓柱環型微管道內的電動傳輸現象研究:離子尺寸效應 (NSC 100-2221 -E-269 -010) 主持人 100/08/01-101/07/31。
  9. 內含無鹽溶液之非對稱電荷負載平板及圓柱環型微管道內的電動傳輸現象研究:離子尺寸效應(2) (NSC 101-2221 -E-269 -005) 主持人 101/08/01-102/07/31。
  10. 內含無鹽非牛頓流體之平板及圓柱環型微管道內的電動傳輸現象研究(I) (NSC 102-2221 -E-269 -009) 主持人 102/08/01-103/07/31。
  11. 內含無鹽非牛頓流體之平板及圓柱環型微管道內的電動傳輸現象研究(II) (MOST 103-2221 -E-269 -005) 主持人 103/08/01-104/07/31。
  12. 內含無鹽非牛頓流體之奈微米管道的電動傳輸現象研究:離子尺寸效應(I) (MOST 104-2221 -E-269 -008) 主持人 104/08/01-105/07/31。
  13. 內含無鹽非牛頓流體之奈微米管道的電動傳輸現象研究:離子尺寸效應(II) (MOST 105-2221 -E-269 -003) 主持人 105/08/01-106/07/31。
  14. 滑移奈米管道內之冪次方流體的電動能量轉換效率研究 (MOST 107-2221 -E-269 -002) 主持人 107/08/01-108/07/31。
  15. 二階非線性常微分方程式之創新定點疊代解法及其工程應用(I)  (MOST 109-2221 -E-269 -003) 主持人 109/08/01-110/07/31。
  16. 二階非線性常微分方程式之創新定點疊代解法及其工程應用(II) (MOST 110-2221 -E-269 -001) 主持人 110/08/01-112/07/31。
  17. 結合上下解方法與定點理論之二階非線性邊界值問題之創新定點疊代解法及其工程應用 (NSTC 111-2221-E-269-002) 主持人 111/08/01-113/01/31。


  1. 多種機構與螺旋面成型砂輪參變數設計研究 (MOST 108-2622 -E-269 -001-CC3) 共同主持人 108/06/01-109/05/31。
  2. 車床與銑床一次加工多邊形理論設計深入分析與實體加工 (MOST 109-2622 -E-269 -003-CC3) 共同主持人 109/06/01-110/05/31。


  1. 協助將多種機構與螺旋面成型砂輪參變數設計等專利技術移轉至景品企業股份有限公司,技轉金額共新台幣50,480元,108/06/01~109/05/31。
  2. 協助將車床與銑床一次加工多邊形理論設計深入分析與實體加工等專利技術移轉至景品企業股份有限公司,技轉金額共新台幣53,332元,109/06/01~110/05/31。
  3. 協助將廢鐵屑再製隔音板材料與製程技術等專利技術移轉至得力工業股份有限公司,技轉金額共新台幣31萬元,112/03/01~112/09/30。


  1. 置換式連桿組教學裝置,中華民國新型專利,證書號碼:M368155,2009/11/1~2019/6/17。


  1. 國科會88年甲種研究獎勵。
  2. First Prize Paper Award in 2017 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation
  3. 2017 Outstanding Reviewer Award for Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics


  1. 擔任國外專業期刊編審及評審
  2. 第41屆全國力學會議主持人
  3. 2016 International Conference of Microfluidics, Nanofluidics and Lab-on-a Chip 主持人
  4. 2012 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 主持人



  1. 89學年度畢業專題 化學機械研磨的探討
  2. 89學年度畢業專題 模具之資料庫建立
  3. 90學年度畢業專題 化學機械研磨機制研究
  4. 90學年度畢業專題 機構電腦輔助模擬
  5. 91學年度畢業專題 齒輪創意教學機構模組
  6. 91學年度畢業專題 電腦輔助簡支梁應力與變形
  7. 92學年度畢業專題 維式硬度試驗中之負載曲線探討
  8. 92學年度畢業專題 電腦輔助簡支梁簡力及彎曲
  9. 95學年度畢業專題 樂高(LEGO)創意教學模組製作
  10. 96學年度畢業專題 電腦輔助自動翻譜機
  11. 97學年度畢業專題 可調式四連桿機構
  12. 98學年度畢業專題 攪拌器之電路開關研究
  13. 99學年度畢業專題 創意教學齒輪機構模組研究
  14. 100學年度畢業專題 機車可調式大燈
  15. 102學年度畢業專題 可上下移動及俯仰之機車大燈機構設計
  16. 104學年度畢業專題 智慧式地下停車場系統
  17. 105學年度畢業專題 機械機構教材製作
  18. 107學年度畢業專題 安全帽雨刷連桿機構
  19. 109學年度畢業專題 創意拉筋板
  20. 110學年度畢業專題 簡易式不共點三力平衡裝置
  21. 111學年度畢業專題 簡易式共點三力平衡裝置

